Tuesday, May 3

Exp Pizza Hut w/ love (:

Went back to school to find bby and headed to LOT 1 after that (;
Had pizza hut for lunch cum dinner! Hehe!

Student specials was over when we arrived so 
we ordered this set meal, Crispy chicken chop for $13.50
It's not bad, soup of the day and drink is included inside(;

I like like their soup. (; (Y)!

Crispy chicken chop

 Bby ordered this; Stuffed Crust Curry Chicken Pizza regular.
Super full by the time we had the second last piece!
Each of us have had half the size of the whole pizza! :D
Big appetite much?!

Yummy crust! :D

 Headed for a shopping hunt after that for my FORMAL WEAR ;
needed it for my Human Resource class tmrw!

Went to this shop; BEGA
&I tried more than 10 sets of clothes at a go;
very friendly and enthusiastic staff, I like!.
If not I swear I'll be a lost (:
The prices ranges from $39 onwards &above.
I like th service. (:

Feel kind of bad though,
cuz the staff brought me mega many different kinds of tops and bottoms for me,
&I need was just one set! x:

Am definitely going back there thou. (: 
Tatazxc! ♥ 

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