Sunday, June 26

Exp with Diamond BB Cream

This Cost me $19.90 at Wastons.
i am just trying it out there is actually 3 different BB cream i Bought the one for Normal Skin 
The other 2 was DRY SKIN / OILY SKIN

1st it look cute that why i bought and i dun mind trying haha.
One of my BFF told me must apply sunblock everyday ..

This BB Cream has three Functions 
-wrinkle improvement 
-UV interception SPF 37 PA +++

After 5 days i do see my skin improve hehe and of cuz is not just apply BB Cream with Sunblock ..
Daily skin food is and cleanse is equal important! 

I start to take care of mine and hope you take care too =) 

Frederica signing OFF

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