Sunday, October 23

Downtown East Shop chart Selling rings at $4

Actually is a random day i when to downtown east (E hub)to watch movie and walk around !
is liked downtown east so small lol but gt one shop chart at the movie ticketing level selling rings and necklace at $4 it is really cheap

so i bought one ring for fun lol

After movie ! we when up level 4 if i am not wrong the ice-cream shop so pink ..
Kinda Cute so i took a photo with it lol

Cool maybe can drop by and try the ice-cream when is like OPEN lol

Random Pictures lol

Then ... saw this cone lol at the walk way near fish&co express



frederica signing off 

Wednesday, July 13

My 19th birthday! ♥

Late late post, been busy these while. 
FYP, UTs, etc. )':

My 19th birthday! Thanks han han &jojo for celebrating for me. 
That memorable night at VIVO. 
Hehe! Shall post the pictures thou! :D

The board they gave me :D Friendship board! 

New iPhone case from Han! 
Love the smooth feeling of the cover! (Y)!



Celebration w/ fam ! (:
Playing CLUEDO w/ fam, 
it's was a present from me& bby to jh (:

The first time baking a cake! :D 

Simple celebration w/ my loved ones. Thankyou guys!♥ (: